Man, not only do these taste delicious, they are also consistently mixed so that I know exactly what I am going to get when... Read more

Got it on sale,had to try it just for the's all of 3A for sure,a nice sativa,nice energetic buzz for difference between... Read more

Great cartridge! It tastes kind of plant-like, but it's not really that bad. The high is nice and calm, and I found it very... Read more

I have tried this product at 2 pills, 4pills, 6 pills and then 8 and absolutely nothing happened. I did not feel any changes... Read more

As with the other reviewer this product sometimes comes really hard and very difficult to handle. Has a nice buzz and not too bad... Read more

Really love these gummies. They taste really good and the 50mg dosing is perfect for me (daily smoker), giving me a nice base buzz... Read more

Those buds are from little nuggets to medium size with a pale to dark green color. They got lots of pale orange hairs and... Read more

excellent tasting cookies,two to a tin,cool tin by the way,re-usuable for my own atomic cookies.Nice buzz off a cookie for a heavy user(me)...they make... Read more

c'est la troisieme fois que j'achete ce népalaise j'ai remarquer qu'il y as plusieurs version,les deux premier etait black tres pronononcé avec des point... Read more

Produit de HAUTE-QUALITER vouz pouvez vouz fiez au nom JET-FUEL leffet est comme un turbo LEFFET EST INSTANTANER …tout edt au rendez-vouz LE GOUT... Read more

Got this after reading the reviews and I have to agree. Super potent stuff. Wanted to treat myself with a AAAAA strain. Helps you... Read more

Great little gummy with a good potency and taste. I like how it comes as a block because you can cut it into as... Read more

excellent ! pour un AA, j'adore ! un petit effet qui reveille, qui rend joyeux et aide la douleur. Un excellent mix de tout.... Read more

sorte très efficace. un mix des effets médicaux et euphorisant. ne sent presque pas quand fumé avec une machine. a un bon effet sur... Read more

l'effet rafraichissant est bien là. cela sent un peu l'absorbine junior mais pas trop. s'étend très bien mais demeure un peu gras. l'effet calmant... Read more

This might be the best Hash ever... First off, I'm generally a Sativa fan, so the 'shish usually makes me sleepy, but this Jet... Read more
First off, I'm generally a Sativa fan, so the 'shish usually makes me sleepy, but this Jet Fuel squish is about as 'Sativa-y' as Hash can get, wow.
Seriously WOW!
I'm very experienced... Smoked in the Netherlands, Jamaica, 'medical' in California (all pre-legalization), and this is possibly the best Hash my lungs have ever inhaled.
Smooth & yummy, with an aroma just like Jet Fuel Gelato, but obviously much more potent.
Perhaps a little pricey, but you'll know why after you try ;)
Fasten your seatbelt for this Jet Fuel adventure... Less more

Hands down the best CBD product out there! The high ratio of CBD is so beneficial for stress, anxiety, sleep and even depression. A... Read more

This stuff is great. All I use. To the reviewers that say it's thin, yes it is. Very. I use a V-Mod small box... Read more

A bit of weed aftertaste compared to other edibles, CBD edibles are good for sleep, relaxing and doing small chores. The 1 to 1... Read more

Apple after taste still sticks even after few minutes of consumption, not the best taste but the high is quite potent whether sativa or... Read more

A perfect hybrid strain, smell taste and look is definately AAA look for this particular strain. In love with strains ending with cake as... Read more

Good aftertaste, very difficult to cut the pieces and I take 2 pieces per day and overall good sleep and would be better if... Read more

ya picked up a oz of this..damn glad i did just had big j stuff tastes gr8. got really high still am dahmm...looked close... Read more

I had few years ago Purple Elephant, and I remember my love for the "Purple" side. It was giving me high intellectual connection, but... Read more